We are processing your payment. Please do not close this window.
We are updating your credit card information...
VentureWell has implemented measures in accordance with the European Union's new data protection standards and we want to be sure you're in the loop.
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Return to our home page.
Prepare and submit proposals and applications for a grant, competition, or conference.
Browse and register for upcoming conferences, workshops, meet-ups, or other events.
Sign up or renew your organization’s VentureWell membership.
Modify your contact information and notification settings.
Event Name | ||
{{ item.etype }} | {{(item.status == 'true') ? 'View/Modify Registration >>' : 'Register here >>' }} | |
No Upcoming Events! |
Event Name | ||
{{ item.etype }} | {{(item.status == 'true') ? 'View/Modify Registration >>' : 'Register here >>' }} | |
No Past Registered Events! |
We will change your email address and notify you when it is completed. Your primary email address is how VentureWell will contact you. Reach out to us at support@venturewell.org for any further inquires.
There is a problem with the credit card on file. Please update your info immediately to keep your account in good standing.
The College & University Special Rate is a one-time offer valid for a 12-month period, starting on the sign-up or renewal date. Renewals after this 12-month period will be at standard cost. Faculty members or administrators must serve as the primary applicant when signing up for membership.
By clicking “Confirm” below, you affirm your commitment to supporting and empowering science and technology innovators and entrepreneurs on your campus to create positive change through invention. Members are asked to share both the news of this commitment and your institution’s VentureWell membership with colleagues who share your dedication to advancing I&E across campus. We believe that the powerful but simple action of sharing networking, funding, and training opportunities with others will bolster the I&E ecosystem on your campus and help both faculty and innovators bring more impactful solutions to the world.
Thank you, Your payment has been received, and a receipt sent to {{conDetails.pEmail}}
{{membershipInfo.orgName}}'s membership is now active through {{membershipInfo.endDate}}
Thank you for your commitment to supporting and empowering science and technology innovators on your campus to create a positive impact through invention.
Please note: Members who signed up for the one-time Special Rate will receive all membership benefits at no cost. Members will renew at standard cost after this 12-month introductory period.
Questions about your membership? Please contact us at membership@venturewell.org to discuss.
Unfortunately, there was a problem processing your credit card. If you believe your information to be correct and require assistance, please contact finance@venturewell.org
You will be emailed an invoice for ${{membershipInfo.rate}}
Thanks! We've sent an invoice to {{emailForPaymentDelegation}}.
Your membership will become active once payment is received.
Thanks! We've sent an invoice to you at: {{conDetails.pEmail}}
Your membership will become active once payment is received.
Transaction Date | Amount |
{{transaction.formattedDate}} | {{transaction.amount | currency}} |
No Transactions! |
Organization: {{currentTransaction.accountName}}
Transaction Date: {{currentTransaction.formattedDate}}
Membership Level: {{currentTransaction.memberLevel}}
Name: {{currentTransaction.firstName}} {{currentTransaction.lastName}}
Street: {{currentTransaction.streetAddress}}
City: {{currentTransaction.city}}
State: {{currentTransaction.state}}
Order Number: {{currentTransaction.name}}
Amount: {{currentTransaction.amount | currency}}
Method: {{currentTransaction.paymentType}} {{currentTransaction.cardType}}
Authorization Code: {{currentTransaction.authCode}}